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By going back to the drawing board, has this global team of founders solved for tricuspid regurgitation, the “forgotten valve”? How far will they advance this breakthrough solution before one of the 4 major cardiovascular giants want to own it?

“10 in 10” or quick hitting version of our video podcast. Drs Jeff Brown and Jeff Cole interview Frank Ahmann of Triflo Cardiovascular.

Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) affects millions of elderly patients and is associated with a significant decrease of quality of life, increased hospitalizations, and impaired survival. Symptomatic severe TR is grossly under-treated. The current leading transcatheter technologies only address a limited segment of the patient population.

Southern California – based Triflo Cardiovascular is developing the Tricuspid Flow Optimizer, a minimally invasive valve specifically ideated for TR. The minimalistic design includes an adaptive mini valve and single size transfemoral delivery system. The Optimizer works in tandem with the native valve regardless of its size and shape therefore treating a broader patient population.

First successful clinical cases have been completed indicating that the device not only reduces regurgitation, but also supports the global cardiac recovery to improve function, exercise capacity, and quality of life. Triflo Cardiovascular is gearing up to expand clinical studies and move towards future regulatory approval. They are preparing to raise a Series B round of funding.


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