Fixing Healthcare From the Trenches (E8): Why I started this Podcast (YouTube Podcast)

2/23/2023. In episode 8 of our podcast, we will be discussing the book which inspired the podcast: “Healthcare from the Trenches”. As an orthopedic surgeon with three decades of experience and the founder of OrthoNOW® clinics in South Florida, I wrote this book from a doctor’s perspective to shed light on the incredible problems I see every day in getting patients the care they need.


Why is this important ? The U.S. healthcare system is in crisis. We are facing skyrocketing healthcare costs, lack of patient access, and inefficient delivery, which has been further amplified by the coronavirus pandemic.

The book illustrates the inherent shortcomings in the U.S. healthcare industry and proposes solutions and suggestions for actions every one of us can take to enact positive, long-lasting change. It’s time for every American to understand and be educated about the root causes of our healthcare crisis and demand meaningful reform to improve healthcare efficiencies in America.

So join us for episode 8 of our podcast as we delve deeper into “Healthcare from the Trenches” and discuss how we can work together to fix our broken healthcare system.

For more information about the podcast and book